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Three easy remedies to help relax the muscles and reduce the pain of TMJ, are the use of a mouthguard at night (which we can provide for you), eat soft foods, and employ relaxation techniques. For those under stress, look for ways to relax. Over 35 million people in the U.S. suffer from TMJ disorder, so if you suffer from TMJ, you are not alone.
TMJ is formally called tempromandibular joints
The lower jaw is connected to the skull through the Tempromandibular Joints. These joints are responsible for the movement of the lower jaw in all directions including side to side and forward & backward movements. Any issue that prevents or discourages the proper movement of the lower jaw is part of the broad category of Tempromandibular Joint Syndrome. Typically, the symptoms of TMJ do not last for extended periods of time and can be treated with self care or non surgical dental treatments.
TMD is the term for disorders of the TMJ.
Symptoms of TMJ Disorder
Disorders of these Tempromandibular Joints can have many symptoms which can range from mild clicking noises from the joint to as severe as being partially unable to open or close the jaw.
Common symptoms of TMJ Syndrome include:
Pain or tenderness in the lower jaw or areas surrounding the TMJ
Aching pain around the ears or face
Clicking or popping noises when moving the lower jaw
Trouble with chewing or opening & closing of the jaw
Swelling of the face or areas around the Tempromandibular Joints
Sudden change in the way your teeth or bite fit together
Depending on the severity of disorder of these joints, you can experience all or just a few of these symptoms. It should also be noted that many of these symptoms may also be caused by other dental or medical issues unrelated to TMD, and you should visit us to narrow down the potential causes.
Diagnosis of TMJ
We treat many cases of TMJ Disorders ever year, and have done so for the past 50 years that we have been practicing dentistry in Oxnard, California. The difficulty in assessing TMJ Syndrome lies in the fact that many of the characteristic symptoms can be caused by a variety of dental issues.
When diagnosing your jaw problem, we conduct a thorough examination of your neck, head, face, and jaw and take note of anything that is off such as: tenderness or pain, clicking or popping sounds, difficulty in opening/closing of the jaw, or malocclusion (misalignment) of the teeth or lower jaw. We may also take a dental CT scan to get more detail on the condition of the TMJ discs and bones as you bite.
Treatments For TMJ Disorders
Depending on the underlying cause of your pain or discomfort, there are many different forms of treatment for TMJ syndrome. These treatments can involve simple fixes such as taking pain medication, or general lifestyle changes such as eating softer foods or avoiding stress until the symptoms have cleared up.
Home remedies:
Over the counter pain relievers (NSAIDS …take with food). Avoid aspirin of you have any bleeding issues
Apply moist heat & cold packs
Eat soft foods
Relaxation techniques
Deep breathing exercises
Embrace daily routines
Use TMJ pain relief exercises (these can stretch & strengthen your jaw) - Click here to download a tip sheet for these exercises
Enjoy a warm bath
Practice mindfulness & meditation
Get plenty of rest & sound sleep
What we may offer:
Prescription medications
Orthodontics or restorative work
A mouthguard for use at night