Gingivitis is the precursor to gum disease (periodontal disease) which can lead to pain and discomfort, extremely serious issues with the month, many visits to our office, and a great deal of expense.
Basically, gingivitis is a minor inflammation of the gums which, simply, is caused by poor dental hygiene.
It starts with ...
Formation of plaque on the teeth
The plaque hardens into tartar
Tartar leads to gingvia where the gums around the teeth become inflamed
Finally, without treatment, one gets periodontis which is a serious problem and results in the destruction of the gums and bone tissue.
Brush teeth twice a day and floss once a day
Use antiseptic rinses
Use oral antibiotics if you have a bacterial infection in the mouth. We can prescribe these for you.
Simple treatment before you have a serious problem: deep cleaning to remove plaque and tartar. Brushing at this point is not enough.
Again, if you adhere to good detail hygiene practices gingivitis should not be an issue. However, if we see any issues during your 6-month routine exam, we can recommend self or professional treatments to ward off more serious issues.
Dental Health Pages
Crowns (Same Day)
Cavities & Fillings
Partial Dentures
Full Dentures
Laughing Gas
Intramuscular Sedation (IV)
Oral Sedation
Lidocaine Injections
Single Tooth Implants
Multiple Teeth Implants
Implant Supported Dentures
Bone Grafting
Teeth Whitening
Clear Alingers
Bonding & Contouring
Deep Cleanings, Laser Therapy & Anti-Bacterial Therapy
Semi-Annual Check Ups
Professional Regular Cleanings
Root Canals
Wisdom Teeth
Bone Grafting
Clear Aligners