No one likes to be around, or near, someone with bad breath. Bad breath can be caused by serious dental or medical issues, or simply the food you eat (like garlic).
Dentists try to avoid foods which can cause bad breath before and during when they see patients. LOL
Other reasons for bad breath:
Lodged food particles (which quickly become stinky due to bacteria)
Bad dental hygiene
Dry mouth
Tobacco use
Other medical issues, especially GERD
Medications, even supplements
Heavy alcohol use (non-drinkers can especially smell even small amounts of alcohol on someone’s breath)
You can help avoid bad breath by:
Avoiding foods known to cause bad breath
Restrict alcohol and tobacco use
Stay hydrated
If you have indigestion which causes burping, take OTC meds to relief the stomach gas
If you insist on using mints of some sort, remember the sugar isn’t good for your teeth. There are non-sugary breath mints available at Amazon and your local pharmacy/grocery store.
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