Dental Health Pages
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Root Canals
Wisdom Teeth
Bone Grafting
Clear Aligners
You are diligent about taking care of your mouth and your teeth. But there are three other conditions which could cause you serious dental issues and should be addressed during your visits.
Remember, teeth are moving parts … just like the parts in your vehicle. They can wear out.
Attrition is wear through tooth to tooth contact. More serious forms of attrition are teeth grinding (bruxism).
Abrasion is wear produced by the interaction between your teeth and other materials (such as what you eat). Or chipping of teeth from para functional habits such as nail biting. We aren’t in the business of helping you solve nail biting problems, but if you are a nail biter you are bound to have issues with your teeth.
Erosion is the dissolution of hard tissue by acidic substances. Restaurant owners and plumbers will tell you horror stories about how drinks such as coke cause huge issues with their pipes. Think about what those acidic substances can do to your teeth, as well as other body parts.
Studies and observations show that abrasion, attrition and erosion seldom work by themselves, but interact together. The long term result is a disintegration of your teeth which require dental attention.
During your routine check-ups, we examine your mouth and teeth in total, and if we have concerns about your teeth health, we will recommend appropriate remedies.